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I'm Only...

I'm a 90's baby; '98 to be exact! Leaving me at 23 years old living in a pandemic and taking this time to reflect on the positives in my life because we all need that during our time in quarantine when we are all locked in... thank you COVID-19, you are still dreadful.

Here is my Top 10 list of accomplishments that have helped me look at the simple positives in life and keep pushing me to be the best I can be.

  1. I'm Only 23 and I managed a restaurant at the age of 20

  2. I'm only 23 and I graduated from a 4 year university this past august with not just one but TWO degrees

  3. I'm Only 23 and I have worked at the ESPN X Games for the past six events between the summer of 2017 and the winter of 2020

  4. I'm Only 23 and I was able to take on a student coordinator role during ESPN X Games Aspen 2020

  5. I'm Only 23 and I have over 500 hours worth of community service

  6. I'm Only 23 and I have landed a job at my dream location; Devil's Thumb Ranch Resort and Spa

  7. I'm Only 23 and I have had the opportunity to travel as often as I can

  8. I'm Only 23 and I have found happiness

  9. I'm Only 23 and I have learned more about myself and my mental health

  10. I'm only 23 and I learn new things everyday to apply daily

I hope some of these accomplishments could help spark the slightest idea of what you can call accomplishments for yourself as well.

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